Flygon Gold

Date: 12-09-2023

Flygon GOLD Controls and Repels susceptible Flies, Mosquitoes and other
Nuisance Insects including House Fly (Musca domestica), Stable Fly (Stomoxys calcitrans), Bush Fly (Musca velustissima), Bot Fly (Gasterophilus spp), Mosquitoes (Aedes spp) and Midges or Sandflies (Culicoides spp.) in horses. Aids in prevention of Queensland Itch.

Together, these active ingredients in Flygon GOLD work synergistically to repel and control a variety of insects that can bother horses. The combination of PBO, permethrin, and pyrethrin provides a broad-spectrum approach to insect control, targeting different stages of insect life cycles and offering extended protection against
biting pests.
It is important to follow the product's instructions and use it safely and responsibly according to the guidelines.


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